
Saturday 24 May 2014

Greetings from Alarcon

We left the hotel after a leisurely breakfast at about 08:30 and headed off east. We were in the plains in the middle of the country and consequently had long flat roads which allowed us to do 70 miles before lunch at an average speed of nearly 20 miles an hour. Lunch in Las Mesas very much a one horse town with one cafe serving bread, eggs and something that had once been chicken.

Lunch in Las Mesas - all a bit grumpy!

  The afternoon was on smaller country roads as we began to climb through rolling hills covered in fields of wheat poppies and lavender. A wonderful warm afternoon with big fluffy clouds and the road stretching out for miles in front of you - a wonderful feeling of freedom and space.
Come on Graham, do try and keep up

Freedom and space
Jeremy was following our route in the car, the prognosis was that he'd live, in reality he'd had a bug before we'd departed and his system was not sufficiently recovered for this ordeal. He would appear from time to time filming us as we peddled along. Due to the good speed we accomplished, we got to the hotel, a wonderful 8th century Arabic castle by 6:30.

Parador de Alarcon - proper castle
117 miles (188km) at 18.5 mph. 2500 feet of climb.

Last day tomorrow!

GPX file of today's route
Almagro to Alarcon

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