
Thursday 22 May 2014

Greetings from Almagro

Left Guadalupe at 7 before the hotel was open for breakfast. Climbed up into the hills for an hour in the rain before stopping at a small cafe for breakfast. Small coffees and not enough rolls so we ended up with an intense game of cards to decide who would go without. They tell me I lost

After breakfast the rain eased and route took us along completely empty roads along the side of a lake for 40 miles as we headed south east. The only struggle was the road surface had broken up and made for rather uncomfortable riding. Stopped at Corcajo los Montes for a lunch of huge hamburgers and ham sandwiches.
A brighter afternoon

Better roads in the afternoon and the sun came out. Wide open planes as we headed for Ciudad Real. We then got the call from Jeremy to say he'd see us at the hotel. In fact there was a strange man in a car lurking by the side of the road taking pictures a few kilometers outside Almagro. Jeremy had clearly got board of his nurse and decided to rejoin the party.  Got to hotel at 8:30. 126 miles (201km) 8000ft climbing.
Harley, complete with camera helmet. More attractive than the nurse?

Keep you posted

GPX file of today's route
Guadalupe to Almagro

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