
Sunday 18 May 2014

Greetings from Evora

Here we are in the ancient walled city of Evora, a world heritage site that thankfully is not too grand to sell extremely large glasses of cold beer, just what the Doctor ordered  after 108 miles (175km) of cycling through the beautiful Portuguese countryside.

Ready for the off...
Our day started with breakfast at 06:30 after which we picked our way through the streets of Lisbon trying to avoid getting our wheels stuck in tram tracks - death to cyclists. I am reminded of when one of our number got his front wheel stuck in some metalwork on a road in Italy which resulted in him describing a gentle arc over the handlebars onto the cobbled street below. We reached the ferry and crossed over to Cacihas from where we started our cycle along the coast. We had two hours to cover the 35 miles and 400 meters of climb through the Parque Natural da Serra da Arrabida to Setubal where we planned to catch the second ferry to Troia. Beautful hills, covered in mist and cloud with stunning scenery over the Atlantic.

Whilst we were busy missing the ferry due to Graham's disappearance down a side street, we met a rather a nice uber nerd from Califorian with Parkinson's called Bart. He had also left Lisbon that morning on his way to Geneva.
Jeremy, ya man Bart and Harley on the ferry to Troia

We then followed the flat straight road along the coast and then off into the countryside that reminded one of  'ranching' country; huge wide rolling fields full of cattle. After about 60 miles we stopped at Alcacer do Sal for lunch. I'm afraid most of the rest of the day was overshadowed by 'Ricegate'. Whilst Graham was enjoying a protracted visit to the cloak room, someone stole his rice. An afternoon of interrogation failed to produce a culprit.

Beers when we got in and then off to a great pasta restaurant, just off the town square. Lots of spaghetti, good carbs for tomorrow.

Keep you posted

Links to GPX flies of the route
Lisbon to Evora Day 1 a
Lisbon to Evora Day 1 b

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